Seriously though, they've turned off the ac for the night and its 83 degrees in here.
While I'm waiting on the turn-arounds for the last few Spurpunk characters I decided to make some more progress on my warmachine army (I seem to be having a hard time maintaining my usual level of unproductivity lately). This Cygnar hunter is the second one in the series (the first one is on polycount somewhere). I don't think I posted this one anywhere yet, but tonight I completed the initial UV layout, and as silly as it seems in hindsight, parented all the geometry so I could pose it without rigging it yet. Whatever, man, I was having a good time.
I'm trying to convince as many people as I can to make this into a PC game. Scott wants to make it into a shockwave 3d game, and while I like the idea of distribution on that level, I haven't really enjoyed my shockwave experience thus far. Both projects (spurpunk and tabletop miniatures for the pc) are still in the earliest phases though. I'd have to cut these characters down by about 50% (this one's 1454 tris) to get them into shockwave and I can't bring myself to give these guys the hatchet yet. So for now, I'm going to think of them as going into an Ogre game and see what develops from there. I'm also eager to see what my students come up with for their final (a week to model and texture a tabletop miniature game character). When I get the Unreal 3 engine editor that comes with Gears of War, maybe I'll make some normal maps and try dropping these guys in there.