Well I guess you can call it a come back since I haven't updated in forever. I'm going to try to post some of the art I did for the Wild Pockets game jam with brother a week or so back. It was good times and that art was way more interesting than the stuff I've been doing for work. I've also been doing some stuff for Scott, but I'm not sure how much of that is public yet so I'll just keep quiet about.
The main purpose of this post is to announce that I'm going to be documenting my attempt to rebuild a motorcycle. I recently purchased a pair of Honda CB125s (from 1974 and 1975). I got them on the cheap so if I screw it up or don't manage to get them going, it's no big loss.
I started trying to clean them up tonight and realized just want an enormous undertaking this is going to be. I've even started taking pictures so I can keep track of what part goes where. I'll probably end up transferring the "working" engine from one onto the other (which has a cleaner frame). I've got a preliminary list of parts, but I'm hoping I can salvage some more bits and repair others. My first task is to get both bikes cleaned and more or less disassembled. Then I'll get the working engine in place with as many good parts as I can muster. At that point I'll see what I need to replace. I know I need a battery, a bunch of cables, and way to get some gas into the engine while I test everything (the tanks are pretty rusty).
With the wedding coming up, it'll probably be awhile before I make much progress, but it sure is keen.