Brain dump time.
So I've been working on an old fashioned adventure game. The hook is that it's done with AR. That let's me do some stuff that you don't typically see with adventure games. It uses 3d characters and environments since I don't have to worry about fumbling camera controls. The downside is that it's harder to do cinematic events and story moments since you don't know for sure what the camera is going to be looking at.Another challenge is doing dialog and conversations. It can be kind of hard to select a dialog choice if that choice is moving around as your camera shakes in your hand. I've got a few ideas to make it a little easier, but right now we're using the built in GUI and it's fiddly.
I'm about midway through blocking out the scenes, and should be done in another month or two. There's still a ton of polish left to do, but I want to get all the basic gameplay done soon. The art is all place holder stuff so I can see if the game is fun and the story makes sense. I hope to have a sort of Sin City style of black and white with color for interactive objects. We'll see if I still like that idea in a few months.